How Attributes Work in Svelte
Attributes work exactly the same way they do in HTML. However, in Svelte, they are empowered. For example, values can be written without quotes:
Copied to clipboard!
<!-- They may be unqouted -->
<input type=checkbox />
They can also contain JavaScript expressions:
Copied to clipboard!
<!-- They can contain JavaScript expressions -->
<input type=checkbox checked={user.consentGiven} />
When the name of the attribute and its value matches, you can omit the attribute name like so:
Copied to clipboard!
<!-- These two are equivalent -->
<input type=checkbox disabled={disabled} />
<input type=checkbox {disabled} />
And just like in React, you can pass multiple props, using the spread operator:
Copied to clipboard!
<!-- Passing multiple props with the spread operator -->
<Sidebar {...props} />
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